Our wide range of services helps companies build, grow, and improve performance
If you are looking for someone who is willing to listen to your needs and not a one size fits all organisation, then we are the ones to call.
We have something for everyone and we can cater our services even further if required.
Because you get to speak with a qualified person, most situations can be sorted to suit the individual needs of the organisation.

Australian Credit Licence
The team at MyFENG have been successfully applying for Australian Credit Licences through ASIC since 2010. The process is time consuming and sometimes conflicting but we are happy to say that we have 100% success with our applications so far. While many use this statement we can add to it by saying that ASIC have informed us that we are a main player in the submission of applications and therefore our 100% statement means a lot more than others.
We have several packages available ranging from assisting you in completing the application and provide the regulatory documentation, registers and on-going support to full application lodgement on your behalf. Our documentation can be purchased as a template that you can complete yourself or we can contextualise the documentation to your own brand.
While we cannot guarantee the documentation is audit perfect, (as ASIC won’t permit this statement), we can state that ASIC have viewed our documentation and the clients in question have passed their audits without exception.
We are also able to lodge your on-line Annual Compliance Certificate (CL50) on your behalf once we are confident your compliance arrangements are up to date and reflective of your business model. If these do not meet the regulations, we can assist you with the necessary update requirements.
Instead of asking you to decide which package is best for you, we consult with you and discuss the options with you. We are determined to provide professionals with options that suit them and not ones that suit us.
Annual Compliance Certificate
Whether you hold an Australian Credit Licence or a Limited AFS Licence, each year you will be required to submit an Annual Compliance Certificate.
MyFENG has been submitting these documents to ASIC for more than 12 years now and has all the knowledge and expertise that is required for a successful submission.
It is a requirement of the legislation that this document is lodged annually and is a declaration of processes and revenue turnover. Depending on the information provided, an annual fee will be determined.
We know that bureaucracy is generally the least favourite part of a broker’s role. With your information we can prepare and submit the Certificate on your behalf.

Compliance Audits
MyFENG is qualified to perform end-to-end quality compliance audits of your business against NCCP requirements, ASIC Limited AFSL regulations and benchmark the standards of hundreds of Financial Services clients.
We look at the policies and procedures that you currently have implemented and compare these with what is considered to be the current best practice in the industry. We add value to your process by offering currency that would otherwise require your constant oversight and perhaps distract you from the role you would prefer. Where necessary, you may be provided with policies and procedures in order to run your business with a greater degree of compliance, or you may choose to modify your own documents with our assistance. We are flexible in how we package our services so that you may choose the level of our involvement that is right for you.
In reviewing your regulatory obligations, we document how you have performed against the established standards and provide you with recommendations to achieve a state of full compliance or suggest opportunities for improvement.
Our service is conducted by Internationally Accredited Auditors. We believe we are the only training and compliance organisation with qualified quality auditors specialising in The Financial Services Sector. We are proud to bring you this enhanced credibility to ensure you have confidence in the development of your business.
Continuous Professional Development
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is relevant knowledge or skills based training that enables professional standing to remain current in ever changing environments. It is a common requirement for disciplines such as Law, Medicine, Property Services, Government administration, and Financial Services.
As a Licensee (responsible manager), it is a requirement to engage in a minimum of 20 hours of CPD each year and to monitor and register the training, including the appropriate CPD hours of your representatives in relation to each individual’s role.
At MyFENG we understand that a broker’s time is valuable and limited. To assist in supporting the industry and facilitating a more flexible format, MyFENG has developed an online programme which is suitable for both home loan representatives and other consumer credit assistance roles. We are also happy to design bespoke courses for your specific requirements.
Call us or email to find out how we can best support your business.

Virtual Administrative Assistant
We have a virtual office assistant who can assist you with your broking business.
With experience in all broking aspects, we have trained staff who can reduce your office costs by assisting you on a pay as you go arrangement.
We know that small business often can’t pay for full time help, especially when you only need help some of the time or during busy periods.
Let’s have a conversation and see how we can assist you.
Processes and Procedures
Build a business that truly is a business. If you ever want to sell your hard work, you will be required to provide a system that can be implemented by anyone. Processes and procedures are step by step instructions that allows you to go on holiday and relax knowing your business is in good hands. It means you can sell the business to a novice and they will still continue to have a business whilst they learn the ins and outs of the industry.